
The ‘Creative’ Power of THOUGHT

For the last year I have been in the process of ‘shifting’ my awareness regarding ‘thought’ and the role it plays in my life. I have been allowing myself to be influenced by a man called Thomas Troward.  He lived in the early part of the 20th century and is considered as one of the […]

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Watch the words you speak, they create.

Several days have passed since last I posted. Quite frankly, I haven’t posted because I’ve been wondering about what this blog is all about. It’s about sounding through.  Sounding through is the long form of the word — person. Person is what “I” bring.  Person is that Unique thing called me. To sound through is […]

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Are Marketers Liars?

I’m having a few thoughts on marketing today.  I’ve been wondering about how to make money online. One of the concepts I keep hearing is — find a need and provide the answer.  For example what is some problem people are really looking for to solve?  Crisis is a good place to look.  Does someone […]

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