Again today, I want to deal with the theme of state of grace. There are two words: state and grace. Grace is to affirm that “all is well”. State is simply the place where I am. So when I say I am in a state of grace I am saying I am in a Good Place.
I am in a Good Place today because I am aware that all is well. All is well because I am ‘aware’ of it. To be aware is to ‘know’. I know I am. I am in the state of Grace because, in this moment, I know I am supported and loved. I am feeling safe and secure. I am in a state of grace.
From this state I am now ready to move into my day. There is no striving. There is no fear. There is no doubt. I am peace and I am wonder. I am mildly curious as I affirm the fullness of the Goodness in which I find myself. I rest.
I go forward in this day, very peacefully and know that all is well. I am unfolding like a beautiful flower. There is no striving. I let my wings unfurl like a butterfly breaking free of its cocoon.
From this state of grace I move ‘in’ this state of grace and I dream pleasant dreams of pleasure and satisfaction. I choose to forget experiences of being beaten and instead I bask in to the flow of feeling loved and connected to the Source of Life and the Joy of being Aware.
I live each moment today affirming all of the Good I Am.
So be it.