February 2009
What is the ’cause’ of the ‘effects’ in your life?
Today I had an interesting thought about the principle of ’cause’ and ‘effect’. I was reading an author by the name of Raymond Holliwell. His book is Working with the Law. In there in the chapter on Supply he makes a comment that when we desire any particular effect in our lives, this desire is […]
90% of Success is Showing Up.
This morning I wasn’t going to write anything on my blog. I was reading a book by Robert Ringer called Action in which he quotes Woody Allen as saying that 90% of success is showing up. Isn’t that some kid of truth. If you don’t get into the game. If you don’t play how can […]
I concentrate, I focus, I clarify, I select and I resolve
Lately I’ve put a tiny dot on the wall across from my favorite chair. It is at about 25 degrees above eye level. Every day I stare at this dot for five minutes at a time, several times a day. That little dot made by a pen looks like a fly as I stare at […]