How Important are words?
We’ve all heard the line — ‘as a man thinks’. We become what we ‘think’ about is what that says. However, how many of us really take time to internalize the meaning of that? Where are our words? They are in our HEARTS in our MINDS. The mind sends the message of direction and the […]
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks!
Once upon a time, I lead a life that grew totally meaningless. One day I cried out— in all sincerity– i cried out. I asked; is there meaning? Is there reason to live for? For some reason, in my heart of hearts I got an answer. It took me a while to realize I did […]
Do You Choose Life or Death?
Integrative and dis-integrative forces affect the ability to release the real self. An example of integrative energy is LOVE. Lets say that love is patient, love is kind and that love keeps not score of wrongs. That means love creates a safe space. It is integrative. What happens in society and in ourselves is that […]