My Prayer for today, around “I am not my thoughts”.
Jesus, you are my awaken er. Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Jesus I believe I participate in Your Life. Your life is my strength and my foundation. I speak these words for it is mine to do so. I know myself and all people to be peaceful and secure in the […]
Mary Is A Symbol of The State of Awareness
Before Jesus could become aware of his ministry he needed the protection and nurture of Mary. Before any one of us can become aware of our gifts and abilities we need support and nurture. Because Mary is the state of contemplation she is therefore deep awareness. Remember that she is the state, the power, that […]
Mary, the Bishop or Overseer of Christ Consciousness
Continuing our topic of the last while, today I remember that Mary is the ‘state’ of clear and full human participation. This state is now available to every person. It is the state of being able to contemplate, to look at and to wonder. This is a peaceful state and one where there is a […]