Why Do I See My Self As Separate?

why do i see myself as separateToday, the thought that is coming to me is about being One with Spirit.

I think that I tend to see Spirit as one thing and myself as another.  As I read and reread the essays of Thomas Troward I am getting the message that this is not clear thinking.

Each person needs to realize that his or her ‘individuality’ is not something ‘separate’ from Spirit.

It’s more about clarifying one’s awareness.  Spirit and my spirit are One, like a drop of water is one with the ocean.

Or, the way I’m thinking about it is through the image of a spring of water.a_spring_thing

It’s all the same water.  The spring is an ‘opening’ in the earth.  My ‘individuality’ is an opening in the earth.

The water is One.  The spring does not see itself as separate from other springs.  It is the same water appearing in separate locations.

I don’t know why it is that I have a consciousness.  Water simply is.  It bubbles up from the great underground stream from which it comes.  I’m not sure ‘it’ has consciousness.

But, I am conscious and I can create a separation through that consciousness.

But what is coming to me today is that this is a wrong way of thinking.

I need to clarify my awareness.  My consciousness is one with the Christ Consciousness.  I simply need to let my self become aware that this is so.

Confusion and muddiness only hide the truth that it is all only still the same water, the same consciousness.

I have the power to focus of the swirling sediment in the water or to remember that I am water anyway.

So, I think that today I am letting my mind settle.  I am choosing to remember that I am water.  I am Consciousness. And I can ‘rest’ in that truth and let my self bubble up and flow.

I release the tendency to want to see my self as separate.  I am one with Christ Consciousness.  I wonder how that feels?  I choose to let this truth restore itself to my awareness today.  I am bubbly, clear, limpid alive and life giving.

I am liveliness, just as the clear limpid water of a spring is lively and enlivening.  Now that feels like great food for my soul.  I’m reminded: “taste and see that the Lord is Good.”

This message is brought to you by one who is tasting Goodness in this moment.  I am liveliness bubbling along.

Blessings and peace.


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    • Jennifer
    • September 22, 2009

    AS I listened to your voice and words of wisdom I am reminded to live in the moment, or thought, experience or level of the mind and rejoice, live the pain, or joy to the fullest and let it be…in the moment…as it can be enjoyed or experienced only once then gone. The remenents of experience are long lasting and taken with us to the next moment which is now. Only now can we enjoy the present, forget the past and not worry about the future. The water is our past, present and future. It carves out a path and leads us to the present whereby can only meet the future which really is never here. If only we can live this truly.

    Seeking spirtual and moment per moment enlightenment,

    Your colleague and friend,


    • Normand
    • November 3, 2009

    Hi Jennifer,
    This is the first time I really sat down to digest your comment. I am touched by the beauty of your reflection. I am grateful for you taking the time to think along with me. In this moment I extend gratitude for knowing you and the gift of now.
    You are a wonderful being.

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