What ‘Thought’ Really Is! — Really?
I am keeping on thinking about thinking and what ‘thought’ is. I think most of us think that thought is that bunch of unregulated ideas we stream in our mind. But, think about it for a moment. Thought is really the power, or faculty or human attribute that makes us able to pick from that […]
Do You Really ‘Think’ or Do You Merely ‘Think You Think’?
Are you thinking or thinking you’re thinkingWell I keep reflecting on the thought of Thomas Troward. I just find it so alluring. Here are some of his words that draw my attention recently: “To give right direction to the thoughts of ignorant thinkers is the purpose of much religious teaching, which these uninstructed ones must […]
I Believe Myself Free
I Believe my self free.. a prayer This is my prayer for this day. I intend it for you as well as me. Jesus, the very thought of you gives me LIFE. i AM ‘IN’ You and You are in me. You are in the Father (the Source) & the Father is in you. omnipotent, […]